DLM Internal

Are breast implants under warranty?

Yes. Some manufactures do offer a warranty. For the latest information on breast implant warranties in Atlanta please call our office.

Can breast implants cause pain years later?

If you are experiencing pain years after your breast implant procedure it could be from implant rupture or scar tissue forming around the implant. You should follow up with a plastic surgeon for evaluation as soon as possible

Can breast implants last 30 years?

Yes, fat transfer to the breasts is becoming more common. Small volumes of fat may be transferring to the breast to increase the breast one cup size, correct small asymmetry or add more cleavage medially.

Can you breast feed after breast augmentation

Breast augmentation will not stop your ability to breastfeed.

Do breast implants cause autoimmune disease?

There has not been a study to show a connection with autoimmune disease and breast implants

Do breasts sag after breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation will give your breasts a small lift.

Do you have to replace breast implants every 10 years?

Breast implants typically last approximately 20 years. The earlier generation implants lasted 10 years on average.

Does getting breast implants make you gain weight?

You should not see a significant change in your scale after breast implants.

Does insurance cover breast implants?

Insurance will cover breast implants when they are used for breast reconstruction after cancer

How do you know if you have capsular contracture?

Capsular contracture is when normal scar tissue around your implant becomes firm and hard, changing the shape of your breast implant.

Is breast enlargement possible without surgery?

I am not aware of anyway to enlarge your breasts without breast implants or fat transfer.

Is there an alternative to breast implants?

Yes. Fat transfer to the breasts is becoming a more popular procedure. Fat transfer can increase your cup by 1-2 sizes or help correct breast symmetry

What are gummy bear implant?

Gummy bear implants describe breast implants which have a more cohesive gel. If the implant were to rupture or break the silicone gel would act like a gummy bear.

What are Natrelle breast implants?

Natrelle implants are breast implants manufactured by Allergan.

What is the average cost of a breast augmentation?

The average cost of a breast augmentation is between $4,000 and $6,000.

What is the difference between a breast augmentation and breast implants?

Breast Augmentation is a surgical procedure to enhance your breast size. Breast implants are devices used to increase your breast size

What makes the new teardrop-shaped breast implants different from the standard, round implants?

Shaped implants gradually slope from the upper pole (the highest part of the breast) to the lower pole (lower breast). This slight teardrop shape creates a youthful and very natural look.

Are these shaped implants FDA approved?

Yes. In fact, these silicone shaped implants have been in surgical use for about a decade in the US and were FDA approved this year.

Is the breast augmentation procedure different with these new implants?

No, it is an outpatient procedure with recovery like breast augmentation surgery with standard round implants. Most patients are fully recovered in four to six weeks.

In addition to the more natural look, are there any other advantages to the new, shaped breast implants?

Yes. They have lower complication rates for rupture and capsular contracture when compared to smooth round silicone implants used in breast augmentation.

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