Thigh Lift

Do you seek firmer, more youthful-looking thighs? Do you have unsightly sagging skin draping over your inner or outer thighs and knees? Have you unsuccessfully tried diet and exercise to improve the appearance of your thighs? If you are experiencing these problems, then a thigh lift surgery at DiFrancesco Plastic Surgery might be right for you.

What is a Thigh Lift?

A thigh lift in Atlanta is designed to improve and smooth the contour and tone of the inner and outer thighs. Dr. DiFrancesco will reshape the excess fat and hanging skin on the thighs with an incision in the groin that can extend downward toward the knees along the inner position of the thigh, reducing excess skin and resulting in improved contours of the lower body.

In Atlanta, a thigh lift procedure can help you recapture smoother, more toned thighs. After massive weight loss or normal aging, patients often have excess skin that makes it difficult to fit into clothes or wear short skirts. Thigh lift patients are often distressed about the contour of their thighs both in and out of clothing. Depending on the amount of excess skin you have, you may be a candidate for one of Dr. DiFrancesco’s thigh lift procedures.

If you have excess skin and stubborn pockets of fat on other areas of the body, you can also combine your thigh lift with other body contouring procedures like an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), arm lift, breast lift, or liposuction.

Candidates for Thigh Lift 

The best candidate for a thigh lift has a healthy diet, exercises regularly, and maintains a stable weight. A thigh lift candidate should stop smoking and stop taking aspirin, NSAIDS, and /or herbal treatments to promote healing and prevent bruising and swelling before their procedure. Your weight should be stable prior to your thigh lift procedure. Finally, patients should have reasonable expectations about what a thigh lift can achieve.

Thigh Lift Options


Thermi is a minimally-invasive office procedure performed under local anesthesia. It has no downtime and only causes mild bruising and swelling. Thermi technology uses radiofrequency to stimulate collagen production under the skin, resulting in effective skin tightening and remodeling of deep tissues. The Thermi skin tightening procedure can be used in all areas of the thigh and is best for mild to moderate loose skin.

Medial (Inner) Thigh Lift

Medial thigh lifts contour the inner thigh by lifting and removing excess skin. The incision is placed in the groin and is able to correct mild to moderate skin laxity. Liposuction is often used in conjunction with the medial thigh lift to better contour the thigh’s appearance.

Medial Thigh Lift with Vertical Incision

Thigh lift patients who have had significant weight loss and/ or who have severe skin laxity and extra skin extending to the knees will require a more extensive resection of excess skin and fat. This thigh lift will include an incision that extends from the groin along the inner thigh to the knee. A thighplasty is another name for this type of thigh lift. The advantage is the removal of a substantial wedge of skin and unwanted fat from the inner thigh, resulting in greater contouring of the thigh. The disadvantage is that the scar will be visible in a short skirt or shorts.

Lateral (Outer) Thigh Lift

The lateral thigh lift is usually combined with a lower body lift to recontour the outer thigh and buttocks area. The incision may extend from the groin to the upper buttock and across the midline. Scars from a lateral thigh lift are usually placed in an area that can be hidden by clothing.


Kind words from our patients

This place is 5-star experience from the beginning to the end - you can tell they truly care about their patients and you're not just a number. I would highly recommend Dr D and her team for any body work you're looking to get done! Thanks guys!

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Recovery After Thigh Lift

Typically, a thigh lift is an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia. Depending on the amount of skin excised, a drainage tube may be placed postoperatively to remove excess fluid from under the skin. Patients are encouraged to walk immediately after surgery and continue with light walking during the recovery period.

To ensure proper healing and the best possible results, patients should wear compression garments for 6 weeks after surgery. This will reduce swelling and aid in recovery. Most patients resume everyday activities within a week after their thigh lift and full activity in 4 to 6 weeks.

Schedule A Consultation

To schedule your thigh lift consultation, contact our Atlanta office today! Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. DiFrancesco will be happy to discuss your personalized plastic surgery plan and other surgical procedures that will help you achieve your ideal look.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you get lipo on your inner thighs?

Yes the inner thighs are a very common area of stubborn fat which will contour well after liposuction.

Does insurance cover skin removal after weight loss?

No insurance does not cover thigh lift

Does running get rid of cellulite?

No running does not get rid of cellulite. Cellfina is an FDA approved procedure to improve cellulite

How can I reduce my thigh fat?

Diet and exercise are the best way to remove and keep off unwanted fat. However, some areas are resistent to diet and exercise and liposuction will reove this stubborn fat.

How do you prepare for a thigh lift?

The best preparation is a healthy diet and exercise

How long is recovery from a thigh lift?

Patients are up walking immediately after their procedure. Walking is healthy and good for your recovery. Typically in 1-2 weeks you resume normal everyday activities. BY 4-6 weeks patient resume full activity including returning to the gym