Blepharoplasty for Men

The eyes can be an important part of your first impression— in fact, they’re often the first place people look. Unfortunately, the eyes can become subject to aging over time, leading to drooping and sagginess in the upper and lower eyelids. If this makes you look more tired or angry than you really feel, then facial plastic surgery can be an excellent option to revive and rejuvenate the eyes.

What is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, improves the appearance of the upper or lower eyelids by removing or repositioning fat, excess skin, or muscle to make the eyes look more rested and youthful. Excess skin can cause hooding over the eyelids and create a tired appearance, but blepharoplasty is designed to remove excess deposits of fat that make the eyelids appear puffy and droopy. It can also correct puffy or baggy under-eyes with the additional help of a cheek lift. Eyelid surgery is one of the most popular facial plastic surgery procedures for men because of its excellent, subtle results and low downtime.

Candidates for Blepharoplasty

Men who benefit most from eyelid surgery are those who have sagging and droopiness caused by excess fat and skin around the eyes. Sometimes, patients experience ptosis which causes the eyelids to droop so much that it impairs peripheral vision. It’s important to be in good overall health and able to undergo surgery, so Dr. DiFrancesco will discuss your health history. In some cases, you may benefit more from a combination approach that includes a brow lift or cheek lift with your upper or lower eyelid surgery.


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Types of Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty can be performed on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both.

Upper Eyelid Surgery

During upper eyelid surgery (upper blepharoplasty), an incision is made within the natural crease of the upper lids. This allows fat to be repositioned and excess skin to be trimmed away. This can reduce the appearance of hoods and drooping over the eyes. Once completed, the incisions are closed.

Lower Eyelid Surgery

Lower eyelid surgery (lower blepharoplasty) can often be performed using an incision on the inside of the lower lids. Then, fat bags can be repositioned and lifted to reduce folds and sunken tear troughs.

Blepharoplasty Procedure

Blepharoplasty can be performed using a local anesthetic at our Atlanta office. If you opt for additional procedures like a brow lift or cheek lift, Dr. DiFrancesco may recommend general anesthesia. Blepharoplasty takes between one to two hours, but you can return home afterward.

Eyelid Surgery Recovery

After eyelid surgery, your eyes can become itchy and sensitive to light. It’s important to avoid touching or rubbing them for the first week or so. Dr. DiFrancesco can recommend eyedrops to keep your eyes lubricated and comfortable. As such, you should avoid wearing contact lenses for at least two weeks. You can expect to take a few days away from work and social engagements, and most patients return to their normal activities within two weeks.

Schedule a Consultation

The eyes can be one of the first places to show aging, so eyelid surgery can go a long way in rejuvenating and refreshing your look. To get started, contact our Atlanta office by calling or filling out our online form and schedule a private consultation with Dr. DiFrancesco.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Botox lift droopy eyelids?

No Botox cant help droopy eyelids. In fact it may make them worse

Can droopy eyelids cause blurred vision?

Yes droopy eyelids can obstruct your vision. Typically your peripheral vision is obstructed and is most noticaeble at night.

Can I sleep on my side after eyelid surgery?

We recommend you sleep on your back with the head of your bed elevated

Can you get rid of hooded eyelids?

Yes hooded eyelids can be cause by sagging eyebrows or excess upper eyelid skin

Does eyelid surgery leave scars?

Yes incisions are carefully placed in the creases of your eyelids to hide the scars as much as possible

How do you reduce bruising after eyelid surgery?

The best way to reduce bruising after eyelid surgery is head elevation, ice packs and arnica

How long does eyelid surgery take?

It's usually done as an outpatient and involves one to two hours of surgery. There is some swelling and bruising of the eyelids afterwards but usually only a week or so of downtime. In some cases, if the drooping eyelids have interfered with vision, the surgery may be covered by insurance.

How long does upper eyelid surgery take?

Eyelid surgery make take from 1.5 hours to 3 hours depending on the extent of your surgery

What causes droopy upper eyelids?

The medical term for the condition is eyelid ptosis, and it is most often the result of normal aging. However, it can also be caused by a congenital abnormality or due to nerve injury. Upper eyelids droop because of weakness or stretching of the muscle responsible for opening the eyelid, excess upper eyelid skin, or nerve damage to the eyelid muscles.

What are typical symptoms?

Symptoms associated with ptosis that occurs with aging are often seen in both eyes and result in drooping of the eyelid and excessive tearing. In some people, the drooping causes vision impairment by interfering with peripheral vision, especially impacting night vision.

What causes your eyes to droop?

The medical term for this condition is ptosis, and it is most often the result of normal aging. However, it can also be caused by a congenital abnormality or due to nerve injury.

What are the symptoms of ptosis?

Symptoms associated with ptosis are often seen in both eyes and result in drooping of the eyelid. In some people, the drooping causes vision impairment.

How long can this procedure take?

This is usually done as an outpatient and takes one to two hours. There is some swelling and bruising of the eyelids afterwards but usually only a week or so of downtime. In some cases, if the drooping eyelids have interfered with vision, the surgery may be covered by insurance.